Tuesday, July 20, 2010

You voted: Men’s biggest fashion crimes are Ed Hardy, socks with sandals, baggy jeans

Men’s 10 biggest fashion crimes

Recently we asked you, the readers of Shine, what you felt were the worst fashion choices for men, and you have spoken! A recent British poll found that women hated Hawaiian shirts above everything else that guys put on. But when we polled over 6,000 Shine readers, 21% declared Ed Hardy gear the biggest fashion don't. You heard it here first, fellas. Save your money (the one pictured above costs $99), and avoid Jon Gosselin's signature look completely.

We made a list of the men's fashion trends we hated, and you strongly agreed with some (sandals with socks, speedos, baggy pants) but totally disagreed with others (flip-flops, fedoras, square-toed shoes). You also spoke up about additional trends you felt were the worst. We've tallied all the results into one master list of men's worst fashion crimes. Ladies, see if we've nailed it. Guys, tell us if you agree or if you're going to disregard this list and wear the items anyways.

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